Make your summary your story
Winning at LinkedIn

Your LinkedIn summary is your chance to tell the world who you are. It can be a short paragraph or more than 1,000 characters long and should reflect everything about yourself – from your skills to how you help other people through work interactions.

Make sure it’s engaging enough so readers stay interested in reading further by adding creative phrases here such as “I am always looking for ways” which gives them an idea on where this passage may lead next…

Try a few drafts, and run your summary past people you know. This is your most personal piece of content marketing – and it’s worth the effort. Renowned ad man David Ogilvy once re-wrote a headline for a Rolls Royce ad over 140 times before he was happy with it.

We’re not suggesting such extreme lengths, but merely pointing out that it’s worth spending some time on to get it as good as it can be. If you’re not the world’s greatest wordsmith – ask a friend in the same line of work for a second opinion.

More articles to come in the following weeks.

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